Saturday, 12 July 2014

Wanting what you can't have?

My Erasmus experience is coming to an end. I find myself wandering around this great city of London, feeling all sorts of things. First of all, almost all of my friends have already left. It feels strange not having people to call up and meet, at the same time, London makes it easy for you to not actually be alone. High streets, bookshops, cafés and museums are your friends!
Secondly, I can't believe how quickly the time passed. I'm sure everyone says that, but it is still true. I still remember my first days here, trying to find a place to live, the first time I set foot on campus, the first time I had class. I also remember all the excitement connected to that. Everything was new and there for me to explore. Which brings me to my next point:
Are we all just domed to want what we can't have? During my time here, I thought about home a lot. I found myself missing Vienna in all its glory, missing the Viennese dialect and of course my friends and family. Now, having not even one week left in the UK, I do look forward to going home, but I am also feeling something else - is it nostalgia already? It was always my dream to one day live in London. And now I have done that. Was it everything I'd imagined it would be?
But it was all sorts of other things, and I don't regret it one bit. And I might not realize it yet, but I will miss this place a lot. But the questions remains - will we ever be content with what we have? Before coming here, all I wanted was to live in London. During my stay I longed for my hometown. And now? I can already see myself missing London like crazy, and telling myself what kinds of things would be possible there. But is that true? Is it only possible there? Or is that just something we tell ourselves as an excuse for not doing what we could do? This was one of the things I promised myself to take from this experience: The things you are looking for are available almost everywhere, you just have to look. And more importantly, you just have to go and do! I will admit that this will only be applicable for cities or towns of a certain size, but the same principle applies everywhere: Don't use your location as an excuse not to do something you really want to do!
Wow, that got really motivational and inspiring at the end... but some things just have to be said! This can also be seen as my way of saying that I will continue this blog even after the whole Erasmus thing! So I hope you'll stay for the ride! xxx

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